Tuesday, February 17, 2009

simple pleasures

i am trying to find joy in the little things lately. as a friend's blog just reminded me, we are far too often waiting for the big, extravagant events in our lives to show us God's face and assure us of His Presence. so here are some things that make me happy and bring my joy, which i (and c.s. lewis) believe to be a gift from God used to connect us to Him.

food (especially meat)
basketball games
someone saying 'duties' or 'do do'
little kids telling stories
the scent of cucumber melon
watching a movie
finding french fries in the bottom of the bag when i thought they were all gone
an encouraging word from a friend
helping someone in need

i fear that julie andrews is going to start singing at any moment during this post...
-end sidenote-

sitting on the porch on a nice day
sunsets (great, now i sound like a scene from fiddler on the roof. maybe i should put musicals on the list...)
a nice cold glass of sweet tea
having a good laugh
hearing a favorite song on the radio
quality pens and pencils (for real, i love writing stuff)
riding in my car with the windows down
an unexpected gift
owning a mac
voice cracks
taking a good picture

feel free to comment and tell us the simple things that bring you pleasure and make you smile. and remember to recognize the blessings in your life every day.


Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this. You seem like a very interesting person.
Lets see simple pleasures....
Hearing my little sisters voice on the phone
The sound of a nice cold can of coca cola being opened
Getting my daily "I love you" text from my BFF Emily
Hanging out with Rebecca and Melissa
Hearing a Michael Jackson song on the radio
A nice warm pair of sweat pants
Laughing so hard I cry
Making my hair into a soapy mohawk in the shower
Singing and dancing while doing my house work
Getting to spend more time observing/learning the life of Gary Spear
being the unpaid intern
Wearing my gansta hat and my aviatar sun glasses
wrestling with my dog
driving...I just really love to drive

Anonymous said...

Ooh, I like this game.

-Writing a really good essay about something that matters to me.
-Sleeping in in the winter
-Waking up early in the summer
-African rain
-Belting out a song that is perfect for my range while I'm driving to no place in particular with the windows down and my feet on the dashboard
-My niece making me pretend food.
-When you get a little kid to say something hilarious that they don't understand
-Cooking a good meal for someone and basking in their compliments
-Good hair days
-Reading a book on the porch on a sunny day
-Seeing someone you know at a place you wouldn't expect to see them, like at the grocery store
-A fresh apple from the farmer's market
-Being barefoot
-Hanging out with someone who has a story to tell
-Listening to a good performer
-Sitting at the feet of people who are smarter than you
-That feeling that you get when you accomplish something you work really hard for
-A well-timed, witty joke
-A new CD that you have been looking forward to for months
-When you get the closest parking space or when the light turns green just as you approach it and you don't have to slow down
-The smell of burning leaves

Thanks for this, Steve. I'm now in a better mood than I was before. :)

Courtney Strahan said...

good music,
a cold beer (or sweet tea if you have it),
late nights followed by early mornings,
driving with the windows down,
getting caught in the rain,
summer (the beach, bare feet, the sun),
listening to people and (their) stories,
hugs, especially from the kids i babysit,
making people laugh,
cold cereal late at night,
hearing a DMB song on the radio,
cold sheets/cold pillows,
learning something new,
being mentored by great thinkers,
holding hands,
kisses on the forehead,
thick socks

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear I have the ability to fulfill one of your joys. Perhaps one day I can arrange one of my infamous voice cracks when I say 'duties.' Here are some of mine...

Babies in grocery stores
Loud exhaust on a hot rod
Something funny that catches me totally off guard
Big Red
Wind up toys
Random drives to nowhere
Late night meals

The Jessie James Gang said...

I just saw your blog on another RC peep's blog list, and since I have always enjoyed your sense of humor, I ambled on over. I was not disappointed.

I hope, for your sake, that Julie Andrews did not start singing before you finished your post...

Vee said...

I love that you still love cucumber melon!
And thanks for the reminder to appreciate the simple things in life:

-The feeling of accomplishment when I finish cleaning a room in the house, or a big project
-Listening to Faith recite 'Click Clack Moo: Cows That Type' by heart.
-A good hair day
-Fresh lilac
-Caleb's snuggles
-Running errands on a sunny day
-Having lunch with old friends
-Slurpees & chocolate

Miss you Steve!